Tuesday, December 22, 2009


The last few days have been so upsetting and confusing that I have felt sick for every minute. I feel like I'm going to throw up at any given time. Blake's grandma is on her way out and he is really upset about it, they are really close. But he won't like.. show that he's upset but I know he is. He shows it in weird ways like pushing me away and that hurts me more than I can even say.

How much time needs to pass before I can get over things? How long before I regain trust? I was always the most loving, trusting person, to the degree that it was a fault. Now I can't trust if I try. It's really painful and my stomach is twisted into a constant knot. I'm trying to fix it but it just seems to get more and more tangled up. I can't stand it.

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